REVISITED: Letting Go, Detaching with Love


Sometimes walking away and letting go can be the hardest thing to do. Letting go of people, ideas, regrets, routines, or desires. Hard work, focus, and even love may not be enough to control a situation and dictate the outcome. Sometimes you simply have to let go and realize it’s not your fight, it’s not your journey, and it’s not your life. But there is a way to do this…and that’s with Love. 

Here’s a secret that I’m hoping is a revelation for you sooner rather than later. You can not change people. Waiting for someone to meet your expectations may be the cruelest irony. They will NEVER meet your expectations because it’s not theirs. Your hope should be they meet or exceed their own true potential. But your expectations are just that….your expectations. 

  • Last show was about managing our own expectations
  • Who do you have expectations for?
  • Are they realistic?
  • Are they about you or about them?
  • How many chances do you give? 
  • What does it take for you to let go?

Blog – Joyful Days – live well, be happy

Shreya Dalela shares info on Practicing The Subtle Art Of Detachment found on her blog

CHALLENGE: Be aware of the power struggle in your own life and who’s pulling harder. Question your resistance and remember, you are worth more. Your time, your attention, your patience, and your love are worth more. Split the difference with yourself.

I Know YOU Can Do It!