Having the Confidence of a Chocolate Chip


On this show…we’re checking the recipe, measuring out our ingredients with precision, and cooking with conviction as we find the confidence of a chocolate chip. What does that even mean as my stomach grumbles at the mention of a chocolate chip? Don’t worry, I’m going to get to that and more. Let’s start here, where do you find your confidence?  Maybe you’re saying, “what confidence?” or maybe you walk tall exuding courage and assertiveness. No matter where you currently are on the confidence scale, there is something in this show for you. A different perspective and a positive alternative, so stay with me. 

If you were a cookie, what cookie would you be? Shortbread, iced sugar cookie, fig newton, snickerdoodle, peanut butter, oreo…..yum, I’m salivating. 

During a trip with a group of women, I sensed some tension between myself and another woman. Sensed some tension? That’s polite, she actually confronted me out of the blue. I was caught off guard because, before the incident, I didn’t even realize she wasn’t a fan of mine. The next day, I was discussing this encounter with a friend who happens to be a social worker, so can we say, delicate in her approach. She told me that I was like an oatmeal raisin cookie. Some people like oatmeal raisin cookies and some don’t. Hmmmm with my head cocked sideways like your favorite golden retriever reel I said, “Weird, I always thought I was chocolate chip.”

Now there is more than a delicious treat to unpack here. As I stepped back and looked at my life and my approach to it, that makes perfect sense. I have the confidence of a chocolate chip. Personally or professionally, I avoid fear and self-doubt by believing everyone will like me. They will listen to my ideas, embrace my opinions, and genuinely want to help me because they truly like me. Pie in the sky? Nope, we’re talking about cookies here. Is it always true? Absolutely not but don’t tell me that. My chips make me fearless!

Madison Sabatino asks and informs on What is Your Cookie-Personality? Found at The Rampage

At skillsyouneed.com I found more information on Building Your Confidence

On the BRAINY DOSE youtube channel, I found, 10 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Confidence

Hugo over at trackinghappiness.com gives us 7 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt (and Boost Your Confidence)

CHALLENGE: whether oatmeal raisin or sugar cookie, present your chocolate chip. Crush anxiety and self-doubt by mastering one skill at a time. 

I Know YOU Can Do It!