A Clock, A Compass, & A Companion

Creating a positive inner circle


On this show… We are checking it twice, looking to the horizon, and consulting a trusted advisor as we discuss; a clock, a compass, and a companion. This show is not to scare you with reminders like, “you’re running out of time” or “look at you, you’re still in the same spot” or even to provide a disclaimer like, “ you can’t go it alone”. Instead, it’s to remind you how precious time is, and how important it could be to identify what you want so you know where you need to go. And to encourage you to look to or strengthen your inner circle to provide love, support, and inspiration along your journey. We all desire to go somewhere emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Do you think that might require some mindful preparation?

I attended a leadership conference the other day and came away so inspired. So I would say, they nailed it. Regardless of the business, you’re in, I think we can all appreciate a day of encouraging talks as we are reminded about the bigger picture and mission in life. It’s easy to get sucked into the day-to-day and lose sight of what’s important. We have meetings, emails, deadlines, and endless to-do’s. Even if you aren’t running the rat race anymore you can get preoccupied with the problems of the world with its perceived timelines and schedules. 

How much time do you spend in silence, pondering life, and preparing for what’s next? That’s right ….silence. Not reading, watching, or listening to anything. Not surfing, or clicking, or posting anywhere. Just thinking.  Not reminiscing, rehashing, or ruminating. Just thinking. 

Time and space are so important to learn who, why, and what you need. 

An Ode to Silence: Why You Need It in Your Life

And how to find more of it found at health.clevelandclinic.org

During the conference, John Maxwell, world-renowned speaker, coach, and pastor, and author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, mentioned this notion of a clock, a compass, and a companion.

The Clock: The clock is always ticking in this life. Time passes, and we either take advantage of opportunities, or we miss them. So it’s important to keep the clock in mind. But it’s not the only thing if you want to live a life of significance.

The Compass: The compass is what we steer life by. It remains constant, and we’re wise when we align ourselves with the direction we know we should be going. But just lining up with the compass doesn’t get us anywhere if we don’t start moving.

Dr. Nikki Martinez shares her ideas on How to Surround Yourself with Positive People found at everydaypower.com

Here are: 7 Tips to Help You Embark on a Journey of Self Discovery found at Bodhiheart.com 

Nick Wignall leaves us with 4 Psychological Habits of Highly Self-Aware People found at medium.com

KEY HIGHLIGHTS: A Clock, A Compass, and A Companion

  1. Time and space are so important to learn who, why, and what you need. 
  2. “We can use calm, quiet moments to tap into a different part of the nervous system that helps shut down our bodies’ physical response to stress.”
  3. Together the clock and the compass provide us with both motivation and direction. Finding a balance between them means that we’re able to compound our efforts and add the most value that we can to our world.
  4. A leader’s potential is determined by those closest to him.
  5. Learning to find our own closure, and focus our energies on the positive people in our lives is one of the healthiest choices we can make for ourselves.
  6. The journey to self-discovery, which starts with a willingness to embrace new ideas while letting go of past beliefs and being eager to get to know yourself in a new light
  7. “Who am I?” The desire to answer this question is one of the most powerful motivations for contemplative practice.
  8. Self-awareness isn’t something you’re born into. It’s something you build through practice.
  9. Challenge whether the questions, motivations, and methods are good enough, not whether you are good enough.
  10.  True self-awareness comes from genuine interaction with other people

CHALLENGE: to pack light for your journey as you will pick up plenty of tools along your way. Maximize your time as you shoot for your goals allowing those who care, support your efforts. Build the necessary network by investing your time and energy into others. 

I Know YOU Can Do It!