The Stranglehold of Stress and How to Find Relief

Finding Stress Relief


On this show… we are breaking free, removing the stronghold of stress, and finding relief. “How?” you say. “Cut to the chase!” you say. Well now, you know me better than that. I’m on this journey too. I might seem cool as a cucumber but I have my fair share of stress. Mostly self-inflicted but stress all the same. I don’t have to tell you that prolonged stress can have serious effects on your health and on your life. So outside of quitting your demanding job, putting your kids into boarding school, and giving all pets to the Sunnyside Farm over yonder somewhere – let’s explore the cause of your stress, what it may or may not be doing to you, and ways you can get some relief.

Let’s start with understanding a little more about stress. You might be overwhelmed, frustrated, tired, or cranky – but are you stressed?

Do you feel anxious when you can’t find something, get somewhere, or meet someone? Are you putting yourself into this predicament? Saying yes and not saying no? 

It’s important on this journey not to lump it all together as just a stressful day. What about the day was stressful? Did you wake up that way or was there an event that triggered this feeling? 

Dr. Elizabeth Scott helps us get started with her article for What Is Stress?

Arielle Tschinkel gives us 21 sneaky signs you’re stressed — even if you think you aren’t found at

Candi at keeps the ideas coming with 10 Creative Ways to De-stress and Get Your Day Back on Track

KEY HIGHLIGHTS: The Stranglehold of Stress And How to Find Relief

  1. My Grandpa told me if you don’t want to be late, leave a little early
  2. The way you respond to stress makes a big difference to your overall well-being
  3. Sometimes stress can come from an obvious source, but sometimes even small daily stresses from work, school, family, and friends can take a toll on your mind and body
  4. In cases of chronic stress, the relaxation response doesn’t occur often enough, and being in a near-constant state of fight-or-flight can cause damage to the body.
  5. When you understand the toll stress takes on you and the steps to combat stress, you can take charge of your health and reduce the impact stress has on your life.
  6. Discover how to live more mindfully throughout your day so you can become more awake and conscious throughout your life
  7. You can NOT do everything and trying will eventually catch up with you. 
  8. It’s scary but true: there are plenty of silent signs stress is making you sick, or just messing with your well-being in ways you aren’t fully aware of.
  9. Stress can have many detrimental impacts on your relationship, and they’re often subtle, so you might not even realize that they’re happening.
  10.  You have to be willing to say no and let some of those things weighing down your schedule, adding unnecessary pressure, and stealing your joy. 

CHALLENGE: build in time to decompress and find joy. Be willing to let go of the need to do it all, break the stranglehold of stress, and experience relief. The long-term payoff is worth it!

I Know YOU Can Do It!