Living Life with Meaning; Leaving a Legacy


On this show…we are looking to get intentional—no more flying by the seat of our pants waiting for our big break or hoping for more. We are recommitting to living a life with meaning so that we can dictate the type of legacy we leave and the impact we have on this world. Have you ever stepped back and looked at your role and the influence you’ve had? What do you think they would say if you could be a fly on the wall and visit the important and unimportant people in your life? What has been your impact? What will you be remembered for? When asked this question, most people start with “well I hope they say…”. Let’s secure that legacy by living a more meaningful life now. Let’s make a conscious effort to impact people in a positive way directly versus hoping they remember the good about you and forget the rest. You see, you have the power to effect change and it starts with you. 

Many people believe there are three types of people; the thinkers, the connectors, and the doers. Some people think there are “big idea” folks and then the others who carry those ideas out. And yes, it takes everyone to make the world go round but never count yourself short of any talent or skill. You can dramatically alter the life of one person at a time with your kindness and encouragement. This is how you start a positive ripple. Think about it, you influence someone in a positive way and then they turn and do the same in their network.

I break it down so digestible because I think we have a tendency to overcomplicate terms like “finding your purpose” or “live a life with meaning”. These are what “thinkers” figure out and then tell us how to get there right? Not entirely. You need to trust in yourself as you search for meaning. Your journey is personal and unique. 

Over at the Pursuit of Happiness, we learn about Viktor Frankl and Man’s Search for Meaning.

Jill Suttie and Jason Marsh ask and explore an important question; Is a Happy Life Different from a Meaningful One? Found at the Greater Good Magazine from Berkley 

Nina Amir  warns us to BE MINDFUL OF THE GAPS IN YOUR LIFE found on her blog

CHALLENGE: Fill the gaps in your life story. Be intentional about the influence you have and the mark you make. Remember, encouraging one person can have a profound effect on the world. 

I Know YOU Can Do It!