Unleashing Your Instincts: Seize the Moment & Speak Your Truth


On this show…we unleash our instincts and seize the moment as we find our voice and speak our truth. How many moments have passed you by? Has the cat got your tongue as you overanalyzed a situation instead of acting on impulse? That is time you can’t get back and possibilities that will never be. Life’s too short to hold back. Acting on instinct and speaking your truth in the moment is about embracing the now, not waiting for the ‘perfect’ time. When you trust your gut and say what you mean, you create real connections, take bolder actions, and live more authentically. Time is precious, and we don’t always get second chances to express how we feel or take that leap. It’s about being brave, trusting yourself, and seizing every opportunity before it slips away.

What is holding you back? Have you ever stepped back and widened your perspective to better understand why you second-guess yourself? No really, it is that easy. So many times we act or don’t act but never question why. You aren’t a robot programmed by someone else. You have complete power and if you don’t, it’s time to take it back. Operating on instinct does not mean operating on auto-pilot. It means when you feel led to act…act. If you don’t trust yourself to take that kind of quick action then there is something there that needs our attention.

Overcoming self-doubt is key to acting on instinct and truly seizing the moment. We often second-guess ourselves, waiting until we feel “ready,” but the truth is, there’s no perfect time. Self-doubt holds us back from expressing what’s in our hearts and taking bold steps forward. When you push past those doubts and trust yourself, you unlock the power to act with confidence and authenticity. It’s about realizing that your voice matters, your instincts are valid, and every moment you hesitate is a moment missed. Let’s dive into this topic so we can reach a level of trust with yourself because you’re more capable than you think.

Joe Costello asks, What’s Holding You Back? – found on LinkedIn

On Mel Robbin’s YouTube channel, I found so important tips on –  What’s The Quickest Way To Success? Ending This One Habit | Mel Robbins

At My Saltwater Skyline I found Time is Precious: Making the Most of Each Moment

Building trust in yourself is about developing confidence in your abilities, decisions, and instincts. It’s a process that takes time, self-awareness, and practice. Here are some steps to help you build that self-trust:

  1. Keep Promises to Yourself: Start by setting small, achievable goals and following through with them. Whether it’s sticking to a daily habit or completing a task, honoring your commitments to yourself builds self-trust over time.
  2. Acknowledge Your Strengths: Reflect on what you’re good at. Make a list of your strengths, skills, and past accomplishments. Recognizing your capabilities reinforces the belief that you can handle future challenges.
  3. Learn from Mistakes, Don’t Dwell on Them: Mistakes are inevitable, but instead of beating yourself up, see them as learning opportunities. When you accept that errors are part of growth, it helps you feel more comfortable taking risks and trusting your judgment.
  4. Be Decisive: Practice making decisions without overanalyzing or seeking constant reassurance from others. Trusting yourself in small decisions helps you build confidence for bigger ones. Even if the outcome isn’t perfect, you’ll learn that you can handle it.
  5. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially during tough times. Self-criticism erodes self-trust, while self-compassion fosters a sense of security in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.
  6. Honor Your Values: Stay true to what matters to you. When your actions align with your core values, it reinforces your belief in yourself and gives you a clear sense of direction.
  7. Listen to Your Instincts: Begin trusting your gut feelings. Acting on small intuitive decisions builds a sense of self-reliance. The more you follow your instincts, the more confidence you’ll gain in their accuracy.
  8. Set Boundaries: Protect your energy and well-being by setting boundaries with others. This shows that you respect your own needs, reinforcing that you can rely on yourself to prioritize your well-being.
  9. Celebrate Progress: Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Each time you succeed or make a positive decision, it strengthens your belief in yourself.
  10. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Surround yourself with people who support and believe in you. Positive reinforcement from others helps boost your self-confidence and trust in your abilities.

Building trust in yourself is about consistently showing up for yourself, learning from the journey, and practicing self-kindness. As you cultivate this self-trust, you’ll become more confident in your decisions and actions.

CHALLENGE: Trust your gut, take that leap, and let those small actions build into something amazing. Stop waiting—seize the moment, follow your instincts, and watch how those every day wins turn into something life-changing.

I Know YOU Can Do It!