Riding the Waves of Constant Change


On this show…we’re focused on finding balance, being flexible, and quick to pivot to secure footing as we strive to ride the ways of constant change. You’ve heard it before, “the only thing consistent, is change”. It feels like every era and generation have claimed the same. Some change is good, necessary, and timely. Some change happens without warning or reason. Sometimes we’re making the change, necessary or impulsive, and other times it’s change we neither asked for nor wanted. Why all the changes?

Socrates said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”. Well, the secret isn’t always so plain and obvious or EASY. How do you embrace change? Or maybe I should ask, are you able to easily embrace change or is rejection your go-to? Let’s talk about this subject and look at change from several angles; why, why now, how to roll with the punches, and even how to be satisfied with gratitude and acceptance. 

When I look at change, professionally and personally, I see vast differences and then some similarities and patterns. Professionally, I work in technology so change is a must and basically out of our control.  Dog years is multiplying their age by seven. A 10-year-old dog is roughly the same “age” as a 70-year-old person. A technology year can be more like 20 human years; your 3-year-old computer could be more like a 60-year-old person. Think about software companies and the pressure to stay current. Like a Rock Star trying to stay on top with another hit record. Companies who sell technology are feeling the same pressure, to stay relevant, capture more of the market, pay back investors…GO GO GO!

Personally, I would like to say I’m a creature of habit, however, if you talk to my family or friends they would say I’m constantly evolving. I do like a good routine though. I find comfort in the familiar and predictable. As much as I like adventure, I enjoy some elements of predictability. 

Shana Montesol-Johnson shares The 3 Keys to Navigating Change and Landing on Your Feet found at developmentcrossroads.com

Hope Gillette enlightens us on Why Change Is the Only Constant and How to Embrace It found at psychcentral.com

Brianna Wiest gives us 10 Things You Will Start To Feel When A Big Life Change Is Around The Corner found at medium.com

I wanted to know why we are always looking to change and I found it at paystubsnow.com: Better Opportunity: Why We’re Always Looking for a Change

CHALLENGE: embrace change, whether you’re currently consumed by it or you are desperately seeking it. Steady yourself and take control so you’re riding the wave vs being pulled under.

I Know YOU Can Do It!