F-E-A-R For Every & All Reasons
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we’re keeping both eyes wide open as we hit FEAR head-on. That’s right, we are standing up to […]
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SHOW NOTES: On this show…we’re keeping both eyes wide open as we hit FEAR head-on. That’s right, we are standing up to […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we’re making eye contact and exploring deeper as we look in the mirror to see past the reflection. […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we will raise our hand when called, sitting up straight, and being present as we transport ourselves in […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we are examining the pendulum swing; going from happy to hopeless…and back. This swing could play out over […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we are getting out of our own way, changing our narrative, and going from self-sabotage and criticism to […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we are getting honest with ourselves, opening the other eye, and asking a tough question; are we flexible, […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we are seeking a new routine, unhooking from harmful habits, and finding creative ways to seek comfort and […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show….we are flipping the script and answering the call. Why You? Why Not You? Now, I didn’t come […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we are reaching for the stars, recognizing our power, and formulating a plan because the steps are achievable. […]
SHOW NOTES: On this show…we’re talking about settling in, taking life as it comes, and letting someone else lighten the load when […]